
Friday, August 21, 2015

Under Representation in the Entertainment Industry

I was reading an article the other day on the computer.  It was from a woman who had adopted an African American Child.  She was going on about how Disney under represented African Americans and that they needed more characters that represent that minority.  Being a father of Chinese girls, I wonder why this author did not expand her story.  The Chinese are also under represented.  When I look at the music industry, I wonder where the Asian stars are.  When I look at films and television, I wonder where the Asian actors are.

African Americans have a whole lot more representation in film, music and television.  There are even networks like BET.  Where is the Asian network?  CCTV from China does not count.  This author went on to describe how African Americans were portrayed.  What about the other minorities?  Asians are always portrayed as studious.  Well, they have not met my daughters.  Maybe it's because of the parents pushing them.  I would say my daughters act a lot like every other child I've seen.  Unfortunately, they like to emulate a lot of what they see on Disney.

I would love for Disney to put out another Asian folk story in animation.  Maybe, one day they will.  It would help if people wrote these great stories and caught someones attention.  In the future, I am hoping to see more Asian representation.  With a market as big as China, the entertainment industry would be stupid to ignore it.  Not only that, I have watched many Asian films and these men and women can act.  Even their singers make great actors.  I just wish there were musicians, who sang in English, that my daughters could look up to.  I'd rather have them watch Kpop and Chinese music versus Taylor Swift and Nicki Minaj.

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