
Friday, August 7, 2015

The horror! The horror!

I am a big fan of horror movies.  During the 70's and 80's they had some really good ones.  As computer effects started getting into it, it started to loose the fright factor.  When I was a kid, I used to eat these movies up.  The thing was, they would cause me to have nightmares.  My house in Oceanside had three bedrooms.  My room had a sliding glass door.  There is nothing worse than waking from a nightmare and looking out a sliding glass door.  My imagination would make me see things that were not there.  I would end up sleeping in the hallway.  It didn't help that behind our house was the local newspaper.  I think there would be nighttime activity.  Getting the paper ready for delivery, etc.  

Besides the fact that I liked the movies, some horror movies were about other things.  An example would be the Birds by Alfred Hitchcock.  On one level it is about crazy birds attacking, but if you look deeply into the symbolism, it has another meaning.  Most hack directors leave out any special meaning.  Lately, the movies are not that scary.  There are some directors, like James Wan, that are trying to bring the scare factor back to horror movies.  If you see a preview and it looks like they are incorporating a lot of computer effects, stay away from it.  It will be a waste of money.  I saw Poltergeist earlier this year and they really did not have to remake it.  It really was not that different from the original.  The man responsible for the first one directed one of my favorite movies.  That movie is The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.  If you watch this, it looks like a found footage film.  They filmed it on a shoestring budget.  

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