
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Midweekend Report

The good news is we have made  back the money it took to join this sale.  I don't think we made much more.  Hoping tomorrow is a better day.  No posters sold.  Guess people don't care for them.  I am going to hang one or two tomorrow and see if that attracts attention.  I hope some sell.  It took forever to wrap them with rubberbands.  We'll be ready for the yardsale.

My day was spent taking pictures of remaining posters and running back and forth to the sale to give Angie things or pick up bored daughters.  It has been a hot day.  I saw pictures from up north.  The people in those pictures are dressed for cold weather.  I wish some of that cold air would come down here.  Stay tuned for day 2 news.

On the bright side, we did sell 3 posters.  It is a few, but they sold for a decent amount.  Tomorrow, I have to pick posters that will sell.  It is getting harder to do.  I think it is easier to pick the ones that will not sell.

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