
Monday, June 22, 2015

The Long Voyage Home

Today ends part of our adoption journey. I eoke about 5:00am.  I took my shower and shaved.  I will never skip shaving on a journey like that again.  I felt like Rip Van Winkle by the time we got to China.

We gathered the loose belongings.  Angie had packed the suitcases the night before.  I was hit by a spell of jet lag.

The girls stirred early, but did not move very quickly.  When Angie came out with Elana, I assisted.  I changed her and fed her.  Then I did a check on Mia.  She said she was not going.  Eventually she stumbled out of the room.

Once the car was packed, we hit the road.  Breakfast was BoJangle's.  We used to eat there a lot when we lived in North Carolina.  We have them in Florida, but don't go there as much.

Elana is doing great.  She is babbling more.  She is also letting others hold her.  That is a relief to my back.  On to Florida!

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