
Friday, February 27, 2015

Elana The Birthday Girl

Elana's birthday is coming up.  She will be in China.  Like Mia, we are going to send her a care package and cake.  Hopefully, she will be able to eat it.  Mia was not eating solid foods.  As far as we know, Elana does.  The agency also warned us that anything we send could become community property.  That is something you should consider when adopting internationally.  If you send things to your child, they may not have it when the adoption finalizes.  I know Qin Qin did not come with much.  Michelle only had the clothes on her back and they asked for those, also.  We try to bring extra things with us, but due to the airlines, we are limited to what we can bring.  If you exceed the weight limit, you will pay.  Not only that, but the weight/bag limits are smalling in country.  Check your countries limits before travelling.

During Mia's celebration, we did give them a camera to take pictures.  That was neat.  We have pictures of her caretaker and some of the children.  Maybe one day she will ask to see them.

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