
Monday, April 13, 2015

Book Reports . . .Done!

We finished our reports.  I will say that if you are thinking about adoption, this would be a great first step.  As part of your research, read books about the subject.  I liked the fact that they also let us watch a documentary.  I have watched about 4 or 5.  They delve into different subjects.  Be careful, they may be biased in one direction or another.  You will be able to tell by how they present their material.

Since Angie wrote about Dark Matter of Love, I wrote in It's a Girl.  Overall, this documentary made me glad that I do adopt females.  We are giving them a opportunity that they would not have in China.  They might, but it would depend on who they married and how that person/family treated them.  As for me, I don't want my girls to rush into a relationship.  They should establish what they want to do in life before settling down.

Overall, this has been a great experience.  I may have picked up a thing or two in the books I read, but I did see a lot of biased opinion or writing from a particular point of view.  By that, I mean one author talking too much about IVF (Invitro Fertilization).  Not everyone goes through this process or even has the money to do so.  To me, it seems like a waste of money.  People make comments about adoptive parents "buying their kids", what about the people that pay for IVF?  Seems to me like they too are paying for their kids.

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