
Friday, September 26, 2014

Beijing Pandas: Chilling out on a hot day

I have to do this in two parts.  The first time we encountered pandas in China was during our 2009 adoption.  An earthquake had happened near Chengdu China.  Due the pandas getting freaked out, they moved some of them to the Beijing Zoo.

On the day we visited the zoo, it was a bright and sunny day.  We went up to the entrance and encountered an army of pandas.  To be more exact, it was an army of artistically decorated panda displays.  There were a bunch of regular sized pandas and many small ones.  Our guide told us that school children had decorated the pandas.

As we enter, the first exhibit is the pandas.  One set was in a Plexiglas cage.  They all looked tired and they were probably hot.  It is a different climate than they are use to.  On the other side is an outside area for them to play.  

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