
Thursday, April 14, 2016

Why Vote?

I was listening to the radio this morning and they were talking about Trump.  He actually has a valid point.  You're welcome to re read that line.  Yes he does make a point.  They talked to a person who is a delegate.  They asked about the primaries and popular vote.  He said they don't matter.  The delegates can vote for whoever they want.  The Democrats have the same problem.  Even before this race really started heating up, Clinton had a major support from "Super" delegates.  Their votes are worth more than regular delegates.  Why do both parties want to rig the system?  By this, what is the point of voting if the parties are going to elect whoever they want?  I did hear one interview, a couple of months ago, and the person being interviewed said that we don't have a right to complain if we didn't vote.  If I want to be able to complain about the outcome, I have to vote?  Luckily, as of this writing, I did vote in the primary.  I do find that logic to be ridiculous.  I can see why people don't, when it seems that the vote won't count anyway.  I guess to keep my right to complain, I will vote in the main election.

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