
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Collectible Inventory

Looking over my collection of collectibles, I have noticed that I should have saved my money and invested in stocks.  I get depressed everytime I look on Ebay and see what my things are worth.  I guess I should not get upset about the posters, but I thought they would be worth more.  Most of them are over 20 years old.  At the same time, most of the movies did not age well.  I'd be happy to get at least $5.00 per poster.  Baseball cards are worse.  Very few of them are worth more than a $1.00.  I know one lesson I will teach my daughters.  Do not collect things hoping to turn a profit in a future sale. 

I will be arranging the stuff for sale on Ebay.  Angie will hopefully keep track of the sales.  I wish we could mention the adoption, but the last time we did that, Ebay pulled the sale.  Something about not being a registered charity.  It's not like we are begging for money.  We are supplying items for sale.  Damn con artists ruin it for everyone.  Then you get people, like the potato salad Kickstarter guy.  It's okay for him to raise over $50,000 to make potato salad, but not for us to raise money to bring an orphan home from China. 

I have started with Facebook.  Believe it or not, but you can look for people/groups dedicated to what you are selling.  I found one for posters.  At first, I was getting a couple of bites.  One of those people made an offer for a larger number of our posters.  He ended up buying about 30 poster for $750.  We ended up paying the shipping, but it was a good sale.  After that, I stopped getting hits.  The only responses I got was how I was charging too much.  My thought was if it's too much, make a counter offer.  I think most of the people on the group are poster company dealers.  They are looking to undercut any offer I make.  If I get money from the sale, I have won.  I did not pay for the posters.  It is from the days working at the theater.

I am still thinking about Ebay, but who knows.  We had  a bad experience with them in the past.  I bought a movie that never made it to my house.  When I complained, they said that they were not responsible.  Explain that to me, how can you have a service that you want people to use, but you're not responsible for what happens?  That is just setting the company up for fraud.  I think things have changed since then.

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