
Monday, October 21, 2019

We Did it, Get over it! Oh wait a minute! We did not do it!

The idiot chief of staff said crimes are committed all the time in the White House.  Then, he realized that his fellow republicans don't admit to actually trading favors.  He had to come back and say My Bad.  I did not really mean what I said.  It's pretty obvious what they did.  They fired a diplomat, with held aid money appropriated by Congress, then had a wink wink phone exchange without spelling out that they would not get the money unless they helped Trump dig up dirt.  I'm sure Giuliani's people were doing more talking behind the scenes.  But who knows!  He can't seem to keep his big mouth shut.  He's just like the chief of staff.  Maybe, it's a Trump strategy.  Don't admit to something, blame your rivals, ignore it, accept that you did it, and then say the media is out to get you. 

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