
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

We Love Rose, But . . .

So the writer of Star Wars says they love the character, but her story fell short because it did not match up with Carrie Fisher's scenes.  More like they listened to the trolls and decided to sideline her like Lucas did to Jar Jar.  They created other characters that were just a waste of time.  Maz Kanata?  What was the point of this character?  I guess she was the female Yoda.  My guess is the trolls did not like her, so they sidelined her also.  The thing about Rose is they could have used her for the C3PO scenes, instead of making Babu Frik.  That character was a real waste of time.  Not to mention Poe's old buddy played by Felicity.  I guess they needed to add some cute alien to sell toys.  I know this movie will not be inspiring my collection.  That is unless I get a real bargain. 

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