
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

War on Halloween!

Trump is amping up his radical base.  He wants them to believe that people are attacking traditional American holidays.  Last time I checked, people are not.  Even the war on Christmas was some read meat for religious radicals.  People were just being respectful to all religions when saying Happy Holidays.  Truth is, Christ would not be proud of what capitalists have done to celebrate his birthday.  Here's a guy who helped the poor and disabled.  I do not remember the part in the bible where his followers got in line on Black Friday to fight over "good" deals on a donkey or loaf of bread.  If these religious whackjobs really were as religious, as they say they are, they'd stop the capitalization of Christmas and go out on that day to help the poor and disabled, just like the real Jesus.  Not the Capitalist version of him. 

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