
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Feels Like Forever

It's been awhile.  Life is moving at a pace that is crazy.  My kids are growing up.  Two have left the nest and one of them is married.  Senior status is around the corner.  Yet, we still have three under 18.  Living with kids that have disabilities can be a challenge.  It also has many rewards.  My daughter's each have different personalities.  They love music.  We have even brought them to multiple concerts.  The latest being AJR.  If you have not heard of them, check them out on YouTube.  Their songs are really catchy.  One daughter can name their songs within a couple of notes.  She can even tell you the albums they come from.   

One issue that has arisen from our children's disabilities is insurance.  Florida is not big on covering children with disabilities.  If guess they think that if a child chooses to be disabled, they should have to pay for it.  Or its just our politicians just want to make it so expensive that we move to another state.  

Then there is Property insurance.  With hurricanes becoming more powerful and plentiful, we are bearing the brunt of this.  Rates are crazy in this state.  If they are not increasing to max levels, they are abandoning the state.  Our politicians are even concerned.  Guess as long as the rich can afford, then the rest can deal with it.  

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