
Friday, June 3, 2016

A Scary Couple of Days

It has been a couple of days.  One of my daughters went to the ER and was admitted.  The reason, she was going into septic shock.  How did she get to this point?  She got a sore/cut on her leg and went swimming in one of Florida's fresh water springs.  I am posting this as sort of a word of warning.  If you come to Florida and go swimming in our fresh waterways, be careful.  There are many things in that water to watch out for.  Some you can see and some are microscopic.  When it gets warmer, you have to worry about bacteria and amoebas.  In fresh water, alligators are a big concern.  If you wander into the wrong area, you do so at your own risk.  We gave had people lose an arm to an alligator.  Getting back to my daughter.  She had a rough first night, but she seems to be getting better.  If you have cuts and go swimming, stick to the pools.  At least, there are chemicals to neutralize the bacteria.

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