
Wednesday, November 27, 2019


You know every 90 or so days, I get a call f rut on vampires.  They beg me for blood.  They say it's to help others, but I have a sneaking suspicion that that might not be true.  Our vampires drive around in big red busses.  Upon entering, they get excited to see another victim, or donor as they call them.  They check my vitals and ask me questions about my blood.  Guess they do not want me to infect the brood.  Sometimes, they actually turn me away. I guess they don't want to kill they golden goose.  If I make it past that point, they have me get into a reclining position.  Without much warning, they stick me.  They draw until the point of passing out, might be exaggerating a little.  Then the pull out and shower me with food and drink.  They send me away, only to be summoned 90 days or so later.

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