
Monday, May 9, 2016

The Bathroom from Hell

Has anyone seen the movie Desperado, with Antonio Banderas?  There is a scene at a bar, where a drug transaction goes down.  To get there, they have to go through the most vile looking toilet stall.  People would take one look and say, "I would never use that!".  I had an experience like that.  It was at a store that will remain nameless.  We had stopped by after lunch.  I really had to go.  I rushed into it.  I got worried when I got in the bathroom.  There was a plastic bag on the urinal.  I went to the first stall.  It was filled with toilet paper.  I mean filled as in if flushed it would overflow.  I went to the next one.  There was a roll of toilet paper on the ground.  One was on the handicap railing.  The dispenser was damaged.  It was not as bad as the last one, but my bowels did not care.  I did not bother to tell anyone.  This is the kind of store where they could care less.

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