
Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Waiting on a Storm

 Florida is waiting on one of the scarier hurricanes I have been able to be present for.  Waiting can be really boring.  The news shows coverage 24 hours a day about the hurricane.  While waiting on damage to show, they bombard us with interviews from the police and politicians.  If you did care to see that kind of coverage, we have political commercials.  I'd rather be streaming to get away from the commercials.  Once the damage starts to come in, we will go to man/woman in the field stories.  Basically, they are in a raincoat being buffeted by the wind and rain.  Sometimes, if you are lucky, you see them dodge dangerous debris.  If you think you can get away and go out, you are wrong.  It usually rains in sheets.  I've had to walk a dog in a hurricane.  Not fun.  Our dog did not like being outside.  We did do the best to get the chickens put up in a safe place.  Easier said than done.  They will not stay put and let you pick them up.  Half are up and the other will have to find a safe place.  On top of all this, the hurricane is not supposed to make landfall until late in the night.  If we get a Tornado, we will not be able to see it.  We'll be crossing our fingers that we make it through the night and that our power is still on.  We've already had an internet outage.  They got it back up.  

Friday, May 31, 2024


 Summer is here.  Even if it is not, it has been hot in Florida with little rain.  It is coming.  Usually in June, we get afternoon showers.  Unlike other states, our showers are cool and then make it more humid and hot.  It's funny people flock here for the summer, especially at the parks.  The usual wait for rides is about an hour.  Some parks have ways to cool people down in lines, but it's not really that great.  The beaches?  Funny to see all the lobsters.  People who are not used to sun like ours and not really concerned with suntan lotions.  Then there is our waterways.  If the water is too warm, stay out of the water.  If you have cuts or just go under water and breath through your nose, you are risking Amoebas or other life threatening bacteria.   With our current government, you really don't know what you are swimming in.  Waste is really not their concern if their donors want to dump it.  Only when it affects tourism they throw some money to clean it up.  Forget about them going after the offenders.  They would lose campaign dollars.  I forgot about the gators.  If it is fresh water, you need to believe that there are gators and snakes in the water.  I'll stay indoors and enjoy our expensive air conditioning.  Electric companies in Florida owns the politicians.  

Thursday, May 23, 2024


 I am a big fan on independent and original movies.  Seeing a good one is getting harder.  There are fewer companies making them.  The directors/storytellers are sticking to mind numbing unoriginal stories.  I was looking on Netflix.  I found Upgrade.  I knew a little, but not much.  I guess my main thought was that it was like Hardcore Harry.  You watch everything from his point of view like a video game.  It was not like that.  It had action and some humor.  I liked it.  Found out that the writer of Saw was the person who came up with this.  If you want something a little more original, check it out.  Also, no big name stars, so it makes it harder to tell what's going to happen.  Big name equals to happy ending.  

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Feels Like Forever

It's been awhile.  Life is moving at a pace that is crazy.  My kids are growing up.  Two have left the nest and one of them is married.  Senior status is around the corner.  Yet, we still have three under 18.  Living with kids that have disabilities can be a challenge.  It also has many rewards.  My daughter's each have different personalities.  They love music.  We have even brought them to multiple concerts.  The latest being AJR.  If you have not heard of them, check them out on YouTube.  Their songs are really catchy.  One daughter can name their songs within a couple of notes.  She can even tell you the albums they come from.   

One issue that has arisen from our children's disabilities is insurance.  Florida is not big on covering children with disabilities.  If guess they think that if a child chooses to be disabled, they should have to pay for it.  Or its just our politicians just want to make it so expensive that we move to another state.  

Then there is Property insurance.  With hurricanes becoming more powerful and plentiful, we are bearing the brunt of this.  Rates are crazy in this state.  If they are not increasing to max levels, they are abandoning the state.  Our politicians are even concerned.  Guess as long as the rich can afford, then the rest can deal with it.  

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Lake County Fair

 We came from North Carolina.  Every year, they do a state fair.  It is a big deal in October.  There were even sections I wish I had paid more attention to.  They had the food, the games, a big ride section, and then we have the agriculture.  They had the planters, the animals, etc.  Last night, we visited the Lake County Florida Fair.  It was like a small block at the NC Fair.  They had the food, rides, and some agriculture.  Really, there is not much space.  We did one stroll around time.  Food has really gone up in price.  The kids got to ride the Merry Go Round.  We would not let them go on any of the bigger rides.  Especially after the death of the 14 year old on the drop ride.    They did have cows, goats, rabbits, and chickens.  It was kind of pitiful.  I liked the chickens, but people were not around to answer questions.  They did not even list the kinds of chickens.  I did see some small chickens.  They were kind of neat.  It was kind of disappointing.  Guess I'll have to make my way back to NC during fair season.  

Monday, April 11, 2022

Duck Eggs

 We have had ducks for over a year.  There has been no activity.  I thought they were all males.  This weekend, we discovered there are some females.  One started laying eggs.  I saw a brown duck in a structure I set up for the chickens to lay.  Some use it, but not always.  I had my wife check the cubby the other day.  There were 4 eggs.  On top of that, we saw one duck trying to make baby ducks.  We can say we have at least 2 females.  

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Don't Say Gay!

 From that title, you probably know I live in Florida, if you did not already know.  The other day, I found out that Hungary had a similar law in their country.  Wonder if our wannabe authoritarian used their law to fuel it.  Wouldn't surprise me.  Like all good authoritarians, he is punishing Disney for speaking out against his hateful law.  Also, he says you accept pedophile groomers if you do not like his law.  Only, he seems to have a bunch of people in his inner circle that have had issues with sex trafficking.  

Gym Etiquette

 During these days of  COVID, you'd think people would automatically give space.  Yesterday, I went to the gym.  I went to the treadmill.  I gave two machines between myself and another person.  Things were going great, then, I notice movement to my left.  I look and a person is on the treadmill next to the other person.  I had one between us.  Then, her male friend got on that one.  How rude!

It was like when I go to a movie theater, in the old days.  You would walk in and if the theater was empty, take a seat in the center.  For me, the next customer either sits in front of me or even close.  We have an empty theater.  There are plenty of seats.  Why do you need to sit near me?

I got of the treadmill and went to another piece of equipment.  Luckily I had already been walking for 15 minutes.  

Monday, April 4, 2022

Sourdough Bread

 I made 3 loaves this weekend.  It was great.  Who knew a bread that only takes flour and water would taste so good.  I did miss adding salt, but I do not miss it.  I have started using our chicken eggs and slices of sourdough bread to make breakfast sandwiches.  Right now, the hens are in a laying frenzy.  Eat them while you have them.  Now, with bird flu, we have to keep wild bird away from our birds.  

Old House Owner

 The other day, my wife got a call from the previous owner.  She's in her 90's and might have dementia.  She wants to come over and dig up a plant.  Thinking it was just a small section, she said okay.  Grant it that we have owned the house for about a year.  She comes over and digs up a big section out of our porch area.  My wife gets home and sees a big hole in the porch area.  I think we are going to put our foot down on any other plant gatherings.  We'll just have to remind her that she no longer owns the house.  

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Sourdough Starter

 I finally made sourdough bread.  It took 2 weeks.  It is a process of mixing 1/4 cup of flour and 1/2 cup of water in a jar.  I am using a mason jar.  You mix it and cover it with plastic wrap.  You do this for 7 days.  A fermentation process will begin.  It is using the natural yeast in the flour.  On the first try, it worked for a couple of days and then nothing.  It even had a dark liquid form.  It is called hooch.  It can be poured off.  It smells.  At the end of 7 days, I tried and it did not work.  No rising and it was a block of cooked flour.  The pigs had no problem eating it.  The second time, I did not get the hooch.  The starter started to rise after a couple of days.  After 7 days, I looked up a recipe.  I found it is kind of a labor intensive process.  I waited another week.  I even had to split the starter in 2 jars.  Then I made the bread.  It takes a little starter, flour and water.  Mix and let sit for 1 hour.  Then work the dough and place it in a bowl.  Cover it with a damp cloth and let sit for 10+ hours.  Once done, work the dough into a ball and place it in your cooking pan.  I used a Dutch oven.  Let it sit for 1-2 hours.  Then it is time to cook.  It turned out.  Only problem is I used wax paper instead of parchment paper.  It ended up sticking to the bottom of the crust.  I will not make that mistake again.  

Monday, March 28, 2022

Watching Older Movies

 With a glut of poor movies, I have started looking back at past movies that I have either watched or missed.  What stands out is the acting, storylines and special effects.  I watched the Incredible Shrinking Man.  It was filmed in 1957.  The effects rival some of the computer effects of today.  That is a sad thing.  You'd think in this day and age the effects would be top notch.  One thing is an over reliance on Computer effects.  I read that when they filmed the Thing prequel, they used practical effects.  When the film company saw the movie they took out all the practical effects and replaced them with CGI.  It was terrible.   Another thing I like about older movies is catching actors/actresses who are not stars of the films.  This may be their first movie.  They might play secondary background characters.  

Thrill Rides

 We live near Orlando.  A heartbreaking incident happened at a theme park.  A 14 year old  boy fell to his death out of a drop tower.  It goes way up in the air and you free fall.  Only when the breaks applied, this boy fell through.  One thing we see a lot of around here is that teens to to be the ride operators.  If you ever go on a thrill ride double and triple check your safety devices.  Do not take their word for it.  In this case, I do not even think they checked his harness.  There was not a seat belt.  In a video that was posted, you can hear people ask a teen if he checked the harness.  He keeps saying that the light was on.  To me, that says, he did not physically check the harness.  Even after it happened, they did not seem prepared for such an event.  Maybe it was shock.  


 We have some baby goats.  They wear diapers in the house.  We will eventually transition them outside.  We introduced them outside recently.  It ran into a little trouble.  Our dogs found them to be very interesting.  The goats freaked out.  They did not know what was going on.  I tried to pull the dogs away.  They can be really stubborn.  Usually, when I am out to feed the animals, they tend to be overly playful.  They will run into you.  They even jump on your back.  Got to have them.  Since we have had them, we have not lost any animals to predators.  Remember, if you are starting to raise chickens, either have farm dogs or secure your coop/run.  They are everywhere.  We started with chickens in a residential community.  Raccoons killed two of four chickens we had.  We also had bears that liked to visit our front yard.  

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

X the Movie

 I saw this preview recently.  It looked like Texas Chainsaw Massacre meets The Visit.  It is about a group of young adults that rent a building to shoot a porn in rural Texas.  This location is owned by an older couple.  The husband even warns them that his wife is a little off.  Something happens and all hell breaks loose.  I can't wait to see this.  If you do, I hear you need to sit through the credits.  No, it is not a Marvel film.  If you stay, you will be rewarded.  

Hungry Chickens

 When we feed the hens in the morning, they act like they are starving.  We feed them everyday.  They also can dig for bugs.  As you approach, they will gather to one side.  Some tend to get a little restless.  They will stomp on the heads of others.  Others will fly up, like they are going to take it all.  I usually give them about 3 big scopes of layer crumble/cracked corn.  They will fight over it.  One thing that happens is a chicken acts like they have a broken leg.  I will go in the run to check on them.  They will slowly get up or just lay there.  By the next day, that chicken will be dead.  I just don't get it.  Maybe there are too many in one run.  Also, the other chickens could care less.  They will walk right over them, even when they are alive.  

One duo is a hen and a rooster.  They have been together for around a year or so.  If you ever decided to raise chickens, you only need roosters for one thing: Procreation.  Hens will lay eggs without the assistance of a rooster.  Only difference is that if you decided to incubate or you have a brooding chicken, a chick will form.  

Brooding?  Brooding is something that a hen will go through.  Her motherly instinct to sit on an egg kicks in.  They will shut down and sit on any egg that is near them.  I do not think they even get up much.  This will last for about 20 or so days.  When our hen was brooding, she tried sitting on her own egg and that of another that was with her.  I rushed over to the coop with the rooster and hen.  Luckily, she had an egg.  I placed that under her.  Sure enough, it hatched.  The other eggs were disregarded by the hen after no hatching.  

Tuesday, March 22, 2022


 I know its been awhile.  We moved into a bigger house with land.  We have increased our chickens to 20+.  We also have 4 pigs and 2 goats.  Eggs are flowing.  We even have too many.  I have brought some to work to give away.  The pigs are for fattening, but we are still working on that one.  We do get produce waste from a local grocery store.  It does not seem to be increasing their weight.  As for the Goats, we hope to one day milk them.  They are still babies.  Since our start, there has been some pitfalls.  I will try to continue posting.  If no one seems to read, I may not.  Thanks for tuning in.  

Monday, October 18, 2021

The Squid Game

 Finished the Squid Game on Netflix.  Great show.  It really goes into desperation and predatory lending.  I will not be surprised if this does not become reality.  It hits close to home.  What will lenders do when we all owe them money and can not pay it?  

Farm Life

 I started out this year with a few chickens and rabbits.  We had no where to put them.  Then my wife discovered a diamond in the rough.  We know have 4 pigs, more chickens, farm dogs(to protect the chickens from predators), and turkeys.  I never thought I would be a farmer.  I even took a test in high school that said I should go in that direction.  I don't know how successful we will be, but we are doing it.  


 So, I was reading headlines and someone had an opinion piece.  It read that Yes, Halloween is a rip off of Texas Chainsaw Massacre.  Isn't that the Hollywood way?  Texas Chainsaw is a "rip off" of Psycho.  I would say it pays homage to and that is storyline can be altered.  All are based in some way on Ed Gein.  He was a serial killer from Wisconsin.  He inspired the book Psycho.  I would say all movies are worth watching.  They all do something original to scare audiences.    

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The Suicide Squad

 It is out.  I have not seen the movie but want to.  It looks fun.  News outlets are already declaring it a bomb.  How?  Covid is not over.  A lot of people are scared to go to a theater.  Streaming?  How would they know about dollar amounts?  Have they a formula?  I'd rather see it in a theater.  I still refuse to pay for HBO Max.  I don't even watch all that I subscribe to.  Disney is only so so.  Mainly for tweens and younger.  The shows have not impressed me.  Hulu does not offer much.  You'd think Disney would flood it with 20th Century films.  I look but nothing catches my attention.  Netflix has a lot of new things.  I just need more time.  Amazon is another that does not have much going on.  Luckily, we do not pay for all of them.  Hulu, Apple +, Paramount are free due to other services.  Disney was paid for in a 3 year purchase.  I don't know if I will continue.  Not much for me.  I do have one daughter who does watch it.  Amazon is part of Prime.  We use that more than the streaming network.  

Predators Deja Vu!

 We lost another animal.  This time it was a duck.  It was a baby and in a cage outside.  There were 2 together.  A raccoon got to one of them.  It reached through the bars and ripped it's upper beak off.  It was still alive, but we put it down.  Piece of advice, only use Hardware cloth.  Chicken wire is to keep them in, but will still be open to some predators.  Watch for diggers.  Unless it has a solid bottom, they will just tunnel in.  Motion lights only scare them for so long.  

Tuesday, June 22, 2021


 I keep seeing the previews and I really don't want to see this movie.  It looks like it lacks a story or even a reason for being.  Adding Carti B to it makes it even less desirable.  Maybe they should have ended on the last one.  I will probably wait for streaming, unless my kids want to see it.  Missing it would not bother me.  

The Build Continues

 I started digging trenches.  Eventually, we plan to bury flashing.  I also found some cinder blocks.  I put Fabric Cloth down on the floor of one coop.  Now a predator can not dig under.  We are keeping the animals out of the run until it is fortified.  The chickens are getting along with the ducks.  I have not introduced the rooster into the pack.  One day I might.  Today, I looked up calves.  I found a place that sells them for $100.  We still need a fence and a system to keep out predators.